Yeah, I had one of THOSE days...
You know, one of THOSE days where you wake up two hours earlier than usual, sleepy as shit, so you go to the bathroom to take a shower, you slam your little foot finger against the corner of the door, then step over the icy cold tiles of the bath, get in the shower, the water is frozen like for ten straight minutes, you leave the bathroom, get dressed, your jeans are missing a button (and you can't find it, of course), prepare to go out, run to the bus stop, you miss it for 3 seconds, then the next one comes... late AND cramped as fuck, get in (however you can), get out, realize that you got the address wrong, walk like 30 blocks, do your shit, go back to your home (the bus, obviously, cramped again), enter, the dogs are peeing themselves, so you don't even drop your coat, take them out, an old lady admonishes you because one of them takes a piss on their side of the sidewalk (where the fuck do you expect the poor animal to do it!? on an airplane!?), get back to your house, turn your PC on to find some self righteous jackass rant on your work while doing nothing more than jerk off (because you know... the world needs more of those people), block the fucker, open your Photoshop file to find that the last changes you did yesterday weren't saved, kick the PC, slam your OTHER little foot finger...
All of those things, by themselves, are usual "shithappeners" of everyone's life...
But some days... you just roll your dices wrong through the whole day...
Now I'm gonna take a hot shower, a shave and a cup of steaming coffee... So pray for the water not to be cold as needles, the shave not to be rusty AND the coffee not to burn my tounge -.-
So how was THAT day of yours?
Fate out.
Things are tough, every over :|