Mastering the arts of pervyness day by day!!!

Age 37, Male

Hentai Artist

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Joined on 5/3/12

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Fatelogic on PATREON! Join the Community!!

Posted by Fatelogic - August 28th, 2014

Well, Ladies and Gents! After much deliberation regarding how could I try to sustain this trade of mine without having to go mine coal at Zimbawe (I bet Zimbawe is lovely btw, don't get me wrong. A coal mine just sucks anywhere, that's my point), I've finaly decided to give up and open a Patreon of my own!

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* 

As you all might know, I try to keep up with my creations to the best of my abilities. You might also know that, aside from the occassional donation or the very "in between" commissions, the profit I make from my trade is close to zero.

NOW! I wouldn't mind this... If we could all live from photosythesis, that is...

Sadly though, my doctor just confirmed to me that I'm not a fern plant, so I guess that's it for my hopes of being able to subsist out of pure sunlight, water and soil minerals... Oh well...

But hey, joking aside, I wanna be serious for a minute:

I love my work. I hope to be able to subsist from my pencil and tablet till the day I croak. With some luck, maybe one day I might find a formal job from a group or company or whatnot that might deem my skills worthy for hiring. Or even better (and that's why I bring this little journal up), I might one day be able to keep working thanks to the collaboration of you, my real, tangible fanbase.

"So what's all yer' riffraff and stuff ye' talkin' bout gotta do with me, my Fate fella!?" - I hear you asking (the southern accent is optional).

Well, with Patreon (as many of you might already know), you can collaborate with whatever money you can spare on a monthly basis to pitch in in a "pseudo-monthly-wage" that I'd recieve. This takes the "companies" or "groups" out of the way, letting all of you as a colective, as a whole, keep me alive and working without the obvious restrictions and contidions that a private, formal job would convey.

Here's the deal in "Layman terms": If you become one of my patrons in Patreon and collaborate with, let's say, a buck per month, that means that every month, one buck will be deducted from your credit account (card, Paypal, etc. Whichever you normally use).

Obviously, a single buck (or five or numbers like that), aren't that big of a deal... But if many follow suit, the magic of comunal effort takes effect, and what means a buck for you (aka: no big deal) ends up meaning a decent capital for me through the accumulation of "no big deals" (I won't become rich anytime soon, that goes without saying, but at least it'll help me loosen the rope off my neck, you follow? :( )

So, here's what I ask of you, step by step:

FATELOGIC'S PATREON SITE: http://www.patreon.com/fatelogic

A) Consider becoming a patron... You know, pitching in. One buck a month, two, five, ten, fifty, whatever you can spare. I don't want it to become a burden for you, so I'll just ask of whatever you can spare. That'd be a big help for sure!

B) Whether you can spare a coin or not, please spread the word! Maybe you can't, but one of your fellas can!

C) For those who know how Patreon works, please leave suggestions regarding "rewards" and "milestones"! I'm just starting here on Patreon, and obviously the site is pretty barren. Any ideas or suggestions to improve or "sweeten" the deal to attract more patrons will be greatly appreciated!

So there you go! A bigass journal, but the concept is pretty simple, ain't it?

And remember... What's spare change for you could be the world for me xD (since my world nowdays is pretty bleak, financially speaking... XD)



Damn, why didn't I think of this?

Dude-sama completely ignore all the negative bitches out there that are giving you shit. I am proud to say I am a fan of your work and that alone will get me to donate.

The only perks I can think of giving out is any sketches you have of new characters from upcoming pieces, beta testing privileges, and updates newsletters. Dunno that's all I got really.
Rock on you awesome dude.

Nah, at the end of the day, it's ok.

Even though the previous user's argument wasn't elaborated in the nicest terms possible (that's the internet for ya'), at least the discussion hopefuly helped to "raise awareness" (I don't like the term, but I can't seem to find something more fitting :S ) on people about the importance of collaboration on a medium so "volatile" as internet content creators.

My point is that if you don't feel like pitching in, that's fine, and if you do feel like helping out, then I'll really appreciate it. The rest is up to each one individually, no need to raise the flags of the Holy Roman Empire about something of this magnitude...

And btw, thanks for your collaboration and for your ideas. I'm trying to see which might bounce and which might sink, so every idea is appreciated as well.

I am sorry about those who give you so much crap for this. Everyone wants to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals in life which center around what they love to do. People keep getting on your ass about you asking for money and all that, but they don't realize how hard it is for some people. We all want to be happy in our lives, but that itself requires some form of payment. "Money can't buy you happiness", but it sure can buy you food, a roof over your head, and a warm place to live. You aren't even asking for much either, which i still don't get why these people are harassing you about it. All you asked for was something small and convenient to give, like one dollar or five, and that's not a lot for a good majority of people. Plus if people don't wanna pay but still want to see your work, that's fine too. If they wanna donate, they can and if they don't that's ok too. You may be a "hobbyist" to some people and nothing more, but I see someone with great amount of potential that needs to be shown to the world. Granted it IS porn, but thats besides the point :) . I've seen a lot of your work and NONE of it is half-assed in the slightest. One artist here on Newgrounds got really popular as well and has tons of followers on Tumblr, Shadbase. Though the artwork is a little...out there for my "tastes", a lot of people enjoy it and help support it; to see more of what they love. Your fans love what you do and would love to help you. After all, if you become more funded then you'll be able to improve your work or at least add more to it ( Content wise. Your quality is already far above average). I hope you do well in your endeavors of making great art for the community of Newgrounds (and other places that i don't know of) and I am proud that you remain calm in the presence of those who wish to frown at the success of others, especially when they get payed to do what they love (kinda). I'll be looking forward to what you'll be putting out here on Newgrounds. :)

Glad you understood my point, but it's ok already... It's the internet, I'm used to a flamer popping up every now and then. There will always be someone who will get ticked off because they don't like how you breath... While it's a pitty that we have to accept such fact as something unavoidable, I'm not planning on losing any sleep over it either.

Everyone has to move on eventually.

Thanks for your support btw, pal. Really appreciate it.


I've already pledged. Though some of your fans may not follow all your news. Why not consider throwing your patreon account in your next flash or illustration? By the way thank you for doing what you love you are very good at it.

Well thanks for your support, pal! As I've said before, every collaboration helps a ton, and yeah, I'll make sure to keep on pushing through this road xD

Thanks for the help. Really appreciate it!


Just saying More money means more art. There is a direct correlation. If you don't want to contribute don't, it's not however very productive to lead a charge against and artist who has shared so much with us for nothing. And now is asking for donations. Most artists are supported in this way by patrons going back 1000s of years. So I understand you don't agree with fate's choices but, honestly, you aren't in control of fate (no pun intended) and ought to back off. Have a great day and please leave people alone.


A concerned fan and a fellow newgrounder

Thanks for the thought pal, but really, that's over. I don't wanna bring up dead topics, let's just move on.

Thanks for the support nevertheless.

plz make more M.S.A games sooner

Well, patreon is about supporting artists financially, and you are an artist (despite what stupid people apparently think), so this kind of move makes sense. And I'm of the opinion that your work is more then good enough to deserve some money from people. Hell, there are people out there asking for donations on games that aren't half as good as yours - and getting them - so I figure this is a good way for us to pay you back for the (current and future) awesome work you've come up with so far.

Not to pry too hard, but I do hope that you have a steady source of income in real life so you can pay for your food/shelter/internet/nuclear-powered-private-yacht-debauchery-fleets? 'cause although Patreon is good for supplementing income, it's usually not great at generating enough to live on unless you're already well known, and your post here has a certain air of desperation, so forgive me if I seem more concerned then I should be, but...

Short GIFs/Animations would be something you can do for Patreon.

Dunno about gifs, but breathing cycles in Flash are doable at least.

We'll see how it goes.