Well, I've decided to make this poll restricted to Pokemons only (that is to say, you won't see trainers or the like this round, mainly because DA likes to bitch and moan about grown up versions of supposedly underage fictional characters... Still fail to see the logic there, but hey, it's not my fucking site... whatever). I know many of you wanted to see Flannery, Misty or May here, and I'm sure I'll tackle 'em at some point (not uploading them at DA, of course... In fact I already tackled Misty a long time ago at NG), but you'll have to settle for this selection of 10 possible anthros, taken from the most popular votes of the previous journal, so...
Fate out!
I'd vote for Ninetail if I had a DA account, which I don't, but mieh. looks like it'll be close. Maybe have two in the same if it's within a 7% difference?