Yes, I know "fame" is a relative concept, but I think we all more or less understand what I'm implying by this. I'm looking for OCs of fellow artists and the like with some... "streetcred"? If you will.
Now, of course, I can think of many on my own, but this time I'd rather leave the ten spots for the voting up for you to decide (well... Technically I pick the ten most interesting, plausible or otherwise "doable" characters, but since you get to decide from what I'll be taking those ten spots, we could call it a joint decission, aye?)
Now, I have to clarify, it would be neat to let said artists know about the possibility of making a fanart of their own character/s, so if you happen to postulate one, please add a link to their name (like this [:iconfatelogic:] ) so they will be notified of what's going on. Needless to say, I won't go on with a character if their respective creators don't want me to work on it... Yes, I know that's not likely, but hey, I know how much one loves their own creations, so I just wanna cover that up just in case, alright?
Anyways, let's see what you people have in mind! Shoot away!
Fate out!
P.S.: Any artist from any sites will do, it's not restricted to NG only... DA, Tumblr, whatever, everything is valid as long as they meet the criteria. Of course, make sure to leave a link to their sites if they don't happen to have a DA profile, just so we give fair credit where credit is due, alright? The voting and general poll will be made at DA simply because it's way more practical with the whole poll system and such.