Mastering the arts of pervyness day by day!!!

Age 37, Male

Hentai Artist

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Joined on 5/3/12

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1,632 / 1,880
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Fatelogic's News

Posted by Fatelogic - August 8th, 2015

Yes, I know "fame" is a relative concept, but I think we all more or less understand what I'm implying by this. I'm looking for OCs of fellow artists and the like with some... "streetcred"? If you will.

Now, of course, I can think of many on my own, but this time I'd rather leave the ten spots for the voting up for you to decide (well... Technically I pick the ten most interesting, plausible or otherwise "doable" characters, but since you get to decide from what I'll be taking those ten spots, we could call it a joint decission, aye?)

Now, I have to clarify, it would be neat to let said artists know about the possibility of making a fanart of their own character/s, so if you happen to postulate one, please add a link to their name (like this [:iconfatelogic:] ) so they will be notified of what's going on. Needless to say, I won't go on with a character if their respective creators don't want me to work on it... Yes, I know that's not likely, but hey, I know how much one loves their own creations, so I just wanna cover that up just in case, alright?

Anyways, let's see what you people have in mind! Shoot away!

Fate out!

P.S.: Any artist from any sites will do, it's not restricted to NG only... DA, Tumblr, whatever, everything is valid as long as they meet the criteria. Of course, make sure to leave a link to their sites if they don't happen to have a DA profile, just so we give fair credit where credit is due, alright? The voting and general poll will be made at DA simply because it's way more practical with the whole poll system and such.

Posted by Fatelogic - June 6th, 2015

After much blood and tears, I can finally announce the awaited release of the microgame I've been working on as of late!!

It was certainly a good, long session of AS3 programming training, along with animation practice as to remain out of the rusty zone, and I hope you all enjoy the end product of this little micro-project just as much as I enjoyed working on it (and therefore, learning from it).

Anyways... Feel free to check my latest microgame:

"Micro-H Game: Espey!"

Fate out!!

P.S.: Special thanks to those who stuck with me on the makings of the game, those who supported and continue to support my humble Patreon, the awesome trio of testers, and you for continually providing your support through your messages, comments and collaboration!


Posted by Fatelogic - May 8th, 2015

Alright, taking the chance to shift my focus to working on the always relegated Espey's microgame, I'm finally able to make some things known about the state of the damn thing. (Boy, one would think such a simple, small little game would be done in the blink of an eye... Go figure.)

So... Completions!

The ANIMATIONS are pretty much done in every sense of the word. The loops are working alright, all sets are done, and aside from some lesser audio tweaks (maybe making the "fun" sounds just slightly louder, cause the subtle ones can get drowned by the BG music a bit), the sound on them is programmed and set (I've made a random generator as to avoid repetition of the sounds... The problem with that is that a random generator can RANDOMLY DECIDE TO PLAY THE SAME SOUNDS ONE AFTER THE OTHER, but... Yeah. A little price to pay for consistency...)

I'm thinking of adding progressive details according to the "fullness of the bar", but that's somethin I have to leave for later, as it depends on the interaction of the animations with the interface, and the interface wasn't done at all yet. I focused on making the animations first. I'll string them together on a coherent "game" later. (In other words, the content is already done, but it's just a slideshow for now... not that the game per se will be much more than that when it's finished, but as always, I'll have to create a button panel to let the player pick which scene to play, unlocking the next one as the bar fills... You get the idea.)

So, with this said, I've got to add the finishing touches to the animations (namely, I've got to add little graphic details to the "finishing" scenes, and find a decent "heaving breath" track to match the rest of the voice files). Once this is done (which hopefuly will take little... If it takes too long, it's because I'm lazy, I've got no excuse), I will upload the set for the testers (TESTER, to be honest. This game isn't like MSA, it doesn't requires that much checking) to check them out and give me the greenlight (hopefuly) or point out inconscistences, graphic bugs or other small details.

Once I've gotten the OK by the tester (stay vigilant BTW, pal. Yeah, you, you know who you are. I'm gonna need you to do what beta testers do pretty soon xD), I'll design the interface, program it and... Yeah, that'd be all (trust me... sounds WAAAAY easier than it really is... Friggin coding...)

I hope you people end up enjoying the results of it... But you'll have to be patient!

Fate out!



Posted by Fatelogic - March 27th, 2015

SMITE, LoL, DOTA, HotS, you name it! Just leave your vote and let the lanes run wild!!


Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - February 14th, 2015

Yep. Fate speaks on the third person because he apparently can. Go figure.

Contest guidelines and rules: http://fatelogic.deviantart.com/journal/Valentine-s-Day-Contest-Meet-Nym-513527786

Donation pool for the winners (pitch in, ye' scrooges): http://fatelogic.deviantart.com/journal/EVEN-MORE-CRAZY-IDEAS-DONATION-POOL-513964897

Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - December 13th, 2014

Welp! First things first!

Yep, I'm working on the fifth winner of the marathon, Cia from Hyrule Warriors. I'm taking a bit more than usual with this one because... well, let's just say that her headgear is just... errrmmm... complex, to put it in a subtle way. That, along with the perspective I'm working on her is making things a bit trickier, but hey, this marathon's objective was to take me out of my comfort zone to work out speed, style, proportions and, to my everlasting horror, angles and perspective, so yeah, figures I'd hit trouble eventually.

Fortunatelly, things are taking some resemblance of shape by now, and I should probably have the full sketch for display tomorrow (not the full piece, mind you. Colouring will take a bit more, but at least the sketch will be ready to be shown, probably on grayscale as I tend to do (or just the lines, depends on how the mood strikes me first, really, but mhm, that's that).

On another order of things, I've just opened... (drumrollssssssss.... BADUMTSSS!!) the Patreon Monthly Raffle!!

Here's how it works:

It's a monthly pledge of $35USD that will allow each one of those in said pledge to participate on a raffle that will take place once a month, after each Patron gets charged. Once that happens, all the names of the Patrons participating on said category will be put into a random generator (online, and streamed just to keep people safe it's totally up to luck and there's no manipulation behind), and the name that comes up will be rewarded with the chance to ask for a commission of the character they wish!! (OC, fanart, anything goes). This way, the winner would be getting a full commission for a price three or even four times lower than what a regular commission would cost!!

This is a way to get people participating on my humble Patreon, which would keep me fed and sheltered (at least if it goes a bit higher than currently XD) while giving everyone a chance to get a prize for their support.

Anways, I'll leave you people my Patreon link here: www.patreon.com/fatelogic

You can check the kinds of pledges you can make (this Monthly Raffle included) at the bottom of the page, and as always, any ideas on pledges or goals & rewards you might come up with, feel free to share them with me. I'll be listening (or reading, to be exact).

See you people tomorrow with Cia's sketch! (I hope T_T)

Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - October 21st, 2014

Jump in one side or the other!!! To the victor goes the spoils!!!


Fate out!!!

Posted by Fatelogic - October 16th, 2014

Gotta draw a bit while I work on the Espeon microgame, so... Go ahead and pick yours!!


Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - October 2nd, 2014

This is why I've been laying low this last week.


Needed to get my flash practice.

Fate out.

Posted by Fatelogic - September 7th, 2014

Well, I've decided to make this poll restricted to Pokemons only (that is to say, you won't see trainers or the like this round, mainly because DA likes to bitch and moan about grown up versions of supposedly underage fictional characters... Still fail to see the logic there, but hey, it's not my fucking site... whatever). I know many of you wanted to see Flannery, Misty or May here, and I'm sure I'll tackle 'em at some point (not uploading them at DA, of course... In fact I already tackled Misty a long time ago at NG), but you'll have to settle for this selection of 10 possible anthros, taken from the most popular votes of the previous journal, so...



Fate out!