Mastering the arts of pervyness day by day!!!

Age 37, Male

Hentai Artist

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Joined on 5/3/12

Exp Points:
1,632 / 1,880
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5.47 votes
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> 100,000
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Fatelogic's News

Posted by Fatelogic - September 6th, 2014

Vote for what you wanna see in the future :3


Fate out.

Posted by Fatelogic - August 28th, 2014

Well, Ladies and Gents! After much deliberation regarding how could I try to sustain this trade of mine without having to go mine coal at Zimbawe (I bet Zimbawe is lovely btw, don't get me wrong. A coal mine just sucks anywhere, that's my point), I've finaly decided to give up and open a Patreon of my own!

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* 

As you all might know, I try to keep up with my creations to the best of my abilities. You might also know that, aside from the occassional donation or the very "in between" commissions, the profit I make from my trade is close to zero.

NOW! I wouldn't mind this... If we could all live from photosythesis, that is...

Sadly though, my doctor just confirmed to me that I'm not a fern plant, so I guess that's it for my hopes of being able to subsist out of pure sunlight, water and soil minerals... Oh well...

But hey, joking aside, I wanna be serious for a minute:

I love my work. I hope to be able to subsist from my pencil and tablet till the day I croak. With some luck, maybe one day I might find a formal job from a group or company or whatnot that might deem my skills worthy for hiring. Or even better (and that's why I bring this little journal up), I might one day be able to keep working thanks to the collaboration of you, my real, tangible fanbase.

"So what's all yer' riffraff and stuff ye' talkin' bout gotta do with me, my Fate fella!?" - I hear you asking (the southern accent is optional).

Well, with Patreon (as many of you might already know), you can collaborate with whatever money you can spare on a monthly basis to pitch in in a "pseudo-monthly-wage" that I'd recieve. This takes the "companies" or "groups" out of the way, letting all of you as a colective, as a whole, keep me alive and working without the obvious restrictions and contidions that a private, formal job would convey.

Here's the deal in "Layman terms": If you become one of my patrons in Patreon and collaborate with, let's say, a buck per month, that means that every month, one buck will be deducted from your credit account (card, Paypal, etc. Whichever you normally use).

Obviously, a single buck (or five or numbers like that), aren't that big of a deal... But if many follow suit, the magic of comunal effort takes effect, and what means a buck for you (aka: no big deal) ends up meaning a decent capital for me through the accumulation of "no big deals" (I won't become rich anytime soon, that goes without saying, but at least it'll help me loosen the rope off my neck, you follow? :( )

So, here's what I ask of you, step by step:

FATELOGIC'S PATREON SITE: http://www.patreon.com/fatelogic

A) Consider becoming a patron... You know, pitching in. One buck a month, two, five, ten, fifty, whatever you can spare. I don't want it to become a burden for you, so I'll just ask of whatever you can spare. That'd be a big help for sure!

B) Whether you can spare a coin or not, please spread the word! Maybe you can't, but one of your fellas can!

C) For those who know how Patreon works, please leave suggestions regarding "rewards" and "milestones"! I'm just starting here on Patreon, and obviously the site is pretty barren. Any ideas or suggestions to improve or "sweeten" the deal to attract more patrons will be greatly appreciated!

So there you go! A bigass journal, but the concept is pretty simple, ain't it?

And remember... What's spare change for you could be the world for me xD (since my world nowdays is pretty bleak, financially speaking... XD)


Posted by Fatelogic - July 10th, 2014


That's OSOM.

You're OSOM.

(Don't ask why, I've been unable to NOT use that word lately... Thought that I might as well use it on a meaningful topic).

Fate out.

Posted by Fatelogic - July 10th, 2014

We all have 'em every now and then.

Fate out.

Posted by Fatelogic - June 30th, 2014

Commissions are open as of now, so if you're interested in getting a personalized piece you know the drill: send me a PM with what you have in mind, we sort out the final price and the method of payment and we're ready to go.

My usual prices:


Character sketch: 20 U$D (first character) 10 U$D (each aditional character)
Black and white piece: 35 U$D (first character) 15U$D (each aditional character)
Fully colored piece: 55 U$D (first character) 25U$D (each aditional character)

Backgrounds are up to negotiation depending on their complexity (ranging from 5 U$D to 20U$D)


Totally explicit pieces might undergo a percentual raise in price due to limitations on exposure.

Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - June 13th, 2014

Looks like I got a delayed lazy syndrome xD I thought I was gonna get it as soon as I finished MSA 2, but nope... It caught up with me now, apparently... Oh well.

Fate out.

Posted by Fatelogic - June 10th, 2014

Just throwing ideas out there. Check the link, read the journal and leave your thoughts :D


And if this doesn't works, I'm gonna genderbend a male fan... Just because I'm a wicked sonnuva bitch.

I sacrificied myself for the cause already, so you better stand up!

Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - May 25th, 2014

Well, that was fast...

Posted by Fatelogic - May 25th, 2014

I've decided to open one spot for a commission, so here are the rules and conditions:

1) I don't choose the commission in order of request. I pick the one I feel more comfortable or interested in representing (ergo, just because you send a note first doesn't means I'll take yours specifically.)
2) The prices are the ones stipulated at my "Commissions Open" description panel at my DA profile. You can check them out by scrolling down there.
3) Explicit pieces are especially conditioned to a price regulation due to limitations in exposure.
4) I don't draw animals (anthros are one thing, but I don't draw bestiality).
5) "Matured" characters whose original counterparts are based on underage characters are subject to the same price regulation as explicit pieces (because DA for some reason takes issue on sugestive material if the original character is supposedly underage... Yeah, beats me too, but whatever. I don't make the rules around there.)

Other than that, I might have more conditions or restricitions, but they're specific to each commission, so I won't list every little detail here. You can send me a PM to sort those things out.

Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - May 22nd, 2014

By working even more...


What a curse...

Fate out.