Mastering the arts of pervyness day by day!!!

Age 37, Male

Hentai Artist

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Joined on 5/3/12

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Fatelogic's News

Posted by Fatelogic - May 20th, 2014

Hope you enjoy it people... I'm gonna go pass out for a bit XD Such a long road.

Fate out!!!

Posted by Fatelogic - May 19th, 2014

See? What did I tell ya?

When I say "soon", I mean "soon".

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, after such a long, long struggle, "MSA 2: RainbowRound!" has officially left the last testing stage and is now sitting here on my hard drive, waiting to be released, looking at me with puppy dog eyes :D (I just imagined a .swf file with eyes and almost flipped out).

A round of applause for the poor guys who had to test the crap out if it, kicking it from every angle possible to check it's stability and picking the typos out of the script one by one like if they were a horde of fleas (yeah, I think my brain gave up halfway though my first check over grammar, so the testers had to point out a couple barrels worth of typos and misspellings... Hey, I had to see the same lines over and over for six months, what did you expect? XDDD)




Now, I can imagine what you'll be asking next... SO, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO RELEASE IT!?

And here is the answer:

"Fucking tomorrow".


Yeah, I'm serious... what?

I really... REALLY cannot believe yet that I've just said that after all this mayem, but... yeah, tomorrow, MSA2 will be aviable for free play at Newgrounds (it'll require upvoting from the watchers to leave the "Under Judgement" zone though, so I'll leave that in your hands, citizen)


Hmmm... Yeah, it's pretty difficult to come up with words to give such a long project some closure...

Anyways! I really hope you guys & gals enjoy it when it's out! I put quite a lot of sweat and blood (and NOTHING else, you perverts) in this project, so hopefuly it'll show... But that'll be for you to decide.


Fate out!!!

Posted by Fatelogic - May 18th, 2014


Fate out.

Posted by Fatelogic - May 7th, 2014

Ok guys and gals, quick report on what's left to do for "MSA 2: RainbowRound!" to be ready. This time you'll notice that the number of "points" to be addressed is bigger than last time, but don't panic. Last time, I gave you a general glance of "whole topics" that needed to be tinkered with, but this time I'm going to be specific to the milimetric level, so even if the list is longer, the "required effort and time" is way lower, because I can do more than one of those points on a single day of work (there are a few though that cannot be done that easily, but I'll give you the specifics down here):

What's left?:

1) Write the "Disclaimer" screen, the "Credits" and the "Second Storymode Warning" (this last one will be a double reminder for those who click on storymode as to REMIND them that said mode requires a lot of reading, and that the hentai scenes will be played sequentially with no option of replay or backtracking. For those who want just "a quickie" of hentai, playing the "Free Play Mode" is advisable... AKA: If you insist on playing the storymode and you don't like to read quite a bit, you'll have no one to blame but your own stubborness.)

2) Repair the first BGM track, which jumps to 100% volume before fading for some reason (easily doable, might take only minutes to debug).

3) Fix the hover and click sounds of the "DeviantArt" link button under the "Artist's Sites" option (idem).

4) Finish the storymode (this one might take some time in comparison to most of the other points, but bear with me).

5) Add hover and click sounds to the "Toggle Fullscreen" button at the "Storymode" segment (very quick to do, just copy and paste some code, adding different identifiers).

6) Check and fix words division of the dialogue and soliloquies (might take a bit, but is necessary for easy reading).

7) Create the code for the "Donate" button at the Main Menu (Can't assertain how long this will take, but since it's just button programming, I don't think it'd take that long... I hope).

8) Fix a strange bug where Dashie's model won't change her expression through a couple lines (I don't know the cause of this, but given how I designed the expression changing system, I'm quite sure the problem might be easy to solve... Again, so I hope.)

9) Double check some sound effects and their correct execution (I noticed one or two isolate sounds activating at times they weren't suposed to... I might have just messed up with the timeline somewhere, shouldn't be very difficult to spot the issue).

10) Tweak some minor animation issues on the hentai sequences (optional clothing and piercings go slightly out of sync at some loops, but again, nothing SUPPOSEDLY hard to fix... SUPPOSEDLY).

11) OPTIONAL: Add tounge piercing to the piercings model set, polish fluids animation and figure out the cause of the "Text Spamming Bug" (These three things are still up to consideration on my behalf... If they end up requiring way too much time and effort, I might as well just skip them. They'd be nice small details, but they aren't critical).

12) Check Dashie's blinking patterns at every hentai scene and their subsequent variables (I think I saw Dashie not blink in one or two scenes. I guess I missed that on the first run. Shouldn't be too difficult to fix).

13) Check SFX channels twice (they have slightly odd behaviours at some specific points. Nothing wrong "per se", but it caught my attention. Dunno if it'd be easy or tricky to solve.)

14) Send pre release version to the testers (this doesn't depends on me, sadly. If they test throughly and in appropiate timing, this'd be short. If they don't, it might take a couple days. Nothing I can do there, honestly.)

15) Consider the testers observations. Make grammar corrections where needed, change dialogue or soliloquie lines if deemed way OOC, cheesy or simply "odd feeling" (although under my discretion) and other minor tweaks if they get too much heat from most of the testers.

16) Resend the corrected version to the testers for approval or further revision.

17) Release.


Got any questions? ( If after all this you ask for an estimate release date, I won't say anything mean cause I love you, but you can imagine what to do... :D ) If you do, please send em this way. I'm gonna take a well deserved break now... my eyes are melting.

Fate out!!!

Posted by Fatelogic - April 27th, 2014

Isn't it just strange how such a seemingly simple topic can require a whole poll and journal...?

Either way, here's the info:


And here's the poll:


Go on! Participate!

Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - April 25th, 2014

Q) Why are you putting so much dialogue and narration in a porn game!? I'm not here to read, precisely...

A) Because that's what I want to do. As I said way too many times, I'm a fan of Visual Novels, and I decided to take this chance to make a small incursion over this genre (it's nowhere as extensive or detailed as a fully fledged VN, of course, but still, that's the way I wanted it to go). Besides, another thing I made clear to the point of mindless repetition was that the whole story is completely optional, so for those who want just the hentai, there will be a "Scene Selection Mode" aviable right at the main menu, where you'll be able to pick any of the three scenes in any order you feel like playing them.

Q) But more than 500 lines...? Still...

A) If you pick the "Scene Selection Mode", they'll be ZERO lines... you following me? Please, don't complain about OPTIONAL EXTRA MATERIAL. The storymode is intended only for those who want something more than straight hentai. Nobody is forcing you to read it, so you have no reason to complain. (But I bet a couple people out there will nevertheless... because it's the internet. Need I say more...?)

Besides... Am I missing something? I believe I did a poll about this... OH WAIT, I DID! HERE-> http://fatelogic.deviantart.com/journal/poll/4174689/

I think THAT speaks for itself... So no bitching now, mkay?

Q) Why do you insist on uploading it to Newgrounds if the file size limit is such a problem for you?

A) Because Newgrounds contains half of my following base, so that way it'll reach most of my watchers in the easiest, most practical way possible for them. Other reasons do exists though, like the site being compatible with the "Fullscreen" option that the game will contain (not all sites are compatible with such aplication), for example. Either way, I'll try my best to try to upload it at NG, unless I find no way around it.

Q) What's taking you so long?

A) Being an artist making a game. It's like being a plumber trying to do the job of an electrician. It's not THAT EASY. But I'll get it done, don't worry. I'll make this stupid AS3 language taste the sole of my mighty boot -.-

Q) What's your next project about?

A) It's about me weeping in a corner for a couple months till I manage to resurrect my soul. It won't be fullscreen though. Sorry.

Fate out.

Posted by Fatelogic - April 13th, 2014

Guys and gals, if you wanna check what's up with MSA 2 as of now, please follow this magical link to my latest journal on the issue (because copy-pasting my journal here produces weird editing bugs for some reason):


See ya around!

Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - March 21st, 2014

Since making an accurate evaluation of the "progress" of the project is quite tricky, I've decided to divide the "aspects" of it into different "departments" so you guys can understand better what is done and what's still pending, and therefore take your own conclussions as to how much MSA 2's release gonna take, so let's get this known:



Art direction/desing: 90% complete

Animations: 90% complete

Programming: 50~60% complete

Writting/Dialogues: 60% complete

UI design/functionality: 30% complete

Music direction/sound edition: 60% complete

Double checking/Beta testing: 25% complete

Final observations: 0% complete


Well, that's pretty much it... you can take your own assumptions with these numbers (which I pulled out of my ass, more or less... it's all approximation based on what I think might be left to do yet, but I guess it's better than nothing).


Donation Pool participants:

These are the guys who gonna get an honorable mention at the credits thanks to their donations to the PayPal account:







A Dragon Zombie

Mars Marino







Fate out!!!

Posted by Fatelogic - February 7th, 2014

Check this journal and get up to date with MSA's 2 progress, features, and how you can help!


Fate out!


Added gift for ya :D 




Posted by Fatelogic - January 15th, 2014

POLL TO PICK YOUR FAVOURITE STYLE FOR MSA 2!!!: http://fatelogic.deviantart.com/journal/poll/4174689/

Well... here's a major "game changer" for the project, so I want to listen to what you, the viewers and future players of the MSA's sequel have to say.

As you know (at least those of you who have already played the first MSA), the original MSA was designed on a rather simple plot to work as a mixture of a short visual novel and, in the middle, a hentai game of flash animations. Truth be told, that last part (the "hentai game") is going very well and advancing at a good rate, but the other "half" of the "original design" (that is, the "story part" of the game, with Lance's antics and his bickering back and forth with the gals of the residence) is really FAR from being finished (in fact, I've got little aside from 3 character models, a couple half done backgrounds (which...  you know I'm not good at), and bits and pieces of the argument).

What I mean by this is that the game's developement speed and lenght changes drastically when you consider the "story" section either IN or OUT the actual project. Taking the story section off would dramatically accelerate MSA's production (a lot), but the game would lose it's narrative and situational context. Keeping the story section as to remain similar in style to the original MSA (a story bit before and after the hentai section) in exchange would feel more continuous with MSA's 1 style, but it will put a great burden on the developement, thus affecting it's speed, size and release date by a great deal...

So here's my question to you, guys and gals, who are ultimatelly the ones that have been asking for a MSA sequel since the release of the original:

Would you preffer a quicker, more direct "load and go to the hentai" scenes without all the context, dialogue and so on that the first MSA had, and thus get the game as a direct "hentai game" with no storyline or argument much quicker to it's release date?

Or would you preffer to keep the "narrative" style of the first MSA intact, with all the dialogue, story, non-h scenes and situational vibe of the original, as to make it play more like a Visual Novel (as the first MSA was), but taking into account that it will take a lot more time to make?

Or long story short: A straight to the point, quicker to release, cut to the chase "hentai game" without context. Or a narrated pseudo "Visual Novel", longer to release, more slow paced game with the "hentai section" in the middle (as the first MSA was).

I hope I'm getting my point across. I'll leave a poll open for you to vote, and please feel free to express your opinions on this matter here in the comments if you want.

Live or die... make your choice.

Had to say that...


--Fate out--4129841_138984511043_msa_2___preview_scene_ii_by_fatelogic-d6tts1u.png