Mastering the arts of pervyness day by day!!!

Age 37, Male

Hentai Artist

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Joined on 5/3/12

Exp Points:
1,632 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.47 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

Fatelogic's News

Posted by Fatelogic - August 11th, 2013

Yeah, I had one of THOSE days...

You know, one of THOSE days where you wake up two hours earlier than usual, sleepy as shit, so you go to the bathroom to take a shower, you slam your little foot finger against the corner of the door, then step over the icy cold tiles of the bath, get in the shower, the water is frozen like for ten straight minutes, you leave the bathroom, get dressed, your jeans are missing a button (and you can't find it, of course), prepare to go out, run to the bus stop, you miss it for 3 seconds, then the next one comes... late AND cramped as fuck, get in (however you can), get out, realize that you got the address wrong, walk like 30 blocks, do your shit, go back to your home (the bus, obviously, cramped again), enter, the dogs are peeing themselves, so you don't even drop your coat, take them out, an old lady admonishes you because one of them takes a piss on their side of the sidewalk (where the fuck do you expect the poor animal to do it!? on an airplane!?), get back to your house, turn your PC on to find some self righteous jackass rant on your work while doing nothing more than jerk off (because you know... the world needs more of those people), block the fucker, open your Photoshop file to find that the last changes you did yesterday weren't saved, kick the PC, slam your OTHER little foot finger...

All of those things, by themselves, are usual "shithappeners" of everyone's life...

But some days... you just roll your dices wrong through the whole day...

Now I'm gonna take a hot shower, a shave and a cup of steaming coffee... So pray for the water not to be cold as needles, the shave not to be rusty AND the coffee not to burn my tounge -.-

So how was THAT day of yours?

Fate out.

One of THOSE days

Posted by Fatelogic - August 9th, 2013

Well, after this small poll from yesterday, I decided to open a fanmail account for you people to send anything you feel like, from your deepests perverted secrets to your purest friendly intentions, so take note!


fatefanmail@gmail.com (I know, pretty original)

I'll be waiting for your stuff xD Whatever it is.

Fate out!!!

Fate's Fanmail OPEN! Send your stuff!

Posted by Fatelogic - July 28th, 2013

Yes. I am alive.

I'm just on a rough... month. But starting next week I should be back into my usual schedule, so there'll be more coming :D

Fate out!

Alive & Kicking

Posted by Fatelogic - July 11th, 2013

Back to work starting tomorrow. Gonna livestream and all that good shit, so stay tunned!

Fate out!



Posted by Fatelogic - June 20th, 2013

Send me a PM now (or as soon as possible). I need time to work on each piece, so the sooner, the better (more time for me to come up with a decent base).

Fate out!

Posted by Fatelogic - June 20th, 2013

Well, my PC should be back in a couple days, so I thought it was due time to open the Com slots again!!!

I'll leave you a quick stub regarding the general prices so far, but please check the "Commissions OPEN!!!" article at my profile (link: http://fatelogic.deviantart.com/) to know the details ^^

Prices (general outlines):

First character: 50 U$D
Each aditional character: 25 U$D
Backgrounds are debatible. Simpler BGs like colors and such are easier and, therefore, cheaper than complex, concrete BGs or landscapes. The prices usually range from 10 to 30 U$D unless stipulated otherwise (all negotiated via PMs)
Pencil sketchs: Per Character: U$D 10

Feel free to ask whatever doubt you've got. (Just in case though, I'll answer here: I don't accept points as a form of payment.)

Fate out!!!

Posted by Fatelogic - June 16th, 2013

Meh, I'll take a break for some time... I'm pretty tired and I'm starting to find my style unappealing... I wanna do some major changes... Wether I can or cannot make them happen are another thing altogether... but I'm growing really tired of my style... I will probably try some drastic changes...

Meh, whatever, I'm sleepy right now...

Fate out.

Tired & Bored & Tired

Posted by Fatelogic - June 2nd, 2013

Feel free to throw your vote :D


Poll link: http://fatelogic.deviantart.com/journal/poll/371 6368/


Posted by Fatelogic - June 2nd, 2013

Eyyup. I'm just starting there and I know jack squat about how to customize it, but whatever, you gotta start someday...

SO FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR...!!! I COMAND THEEEEEEEE!!! (quite the bipolar statement XD)


(I know it's a bit barren right now, but give it time xD It has 5 minutes of existence as of now )

Go on! Help a worker in need of difussion

Fate out!

Tumblr time!

Posted by Fatelogic - April 22nd, 2013

Let's see... I have seen many people in both sides of the spectrum regarding NG's star rating system. Some enraged because their collaborations to the site seem to get unfairly beat down with 0's, and some exhilarating with unmeasured pride for reaching ridiculous ammounts of 5's. Even when I myself fare pretty well, I won't lie, truth is that measuring the degree of "success" or "failure" of your works based on the "star ranking" NG provides is rather pointless, and does not represent a fair, "democratic" (if you will) reflection of people's "objective" degree of approval or rejection about your work, so for all of those (young artists or collaborators mostly, who seem to get the most beaten up here) out there, let me give you the reasons why you should take NG's star ranking just as a VERY vague meassurement, and not as a biblic command (I'll reffer myself mainly to the "art" category, since that's where I spend 95% of my time here):

1) Each vote has a different "weight": NG star rating system doesn't promotes "fair judgements", it promotes further participation on the site, regardless of the fairness or expertise (or lack of) to judge. The "weight" of your vote depends on the ammount of experience the user has accumulated by participating on a daily basis on the site (by voting, blamming, saving, etc.) Therefore, if out of 10 people, 9 think you deserve 5 stars, but only 1 with far more "experience points" thinks you deserve 0 (because he's a douche, let's be serious. You'd have to be really awful an artist to really deserve a fair 0), the outcome will get unbalanced, because his/her vote is worth maybe even more than that of 9 "low level" users... which doesn't make any sense, since voting should be equal. Your oppinion isn't worth more or less than that of your fellow users.

2) Non objective evaluation (0 or 5 syndrome): Let's be honest here... it's rather rare for many users to vote anything but 0 or 5, and most of their decision is based on "the content" of the piece rather than the technique itself. I, for example, draw a lot of adult oriented pieces, and therefore, a lot of people vote 5 because there are boobs, and a lot of other people vote 0 for the exact same reason. It's rare to see someone vote, for example, a 4, and base it's judgement with an objective mindset, focusing on your style, the time you took to come with the piece, the management of the color palette, and so on.

3) Trolls & grudges: Let's face it, people. The site is full of trolls. Now don't get me wrong, luckyly fair, reasoning users are still the majority around here, but you'll always end up being focused by some dumb kid who hasn't got any other way of feeling better with himself/herself that by trying to make everyone around him misserable (for some, it's easier to beat those better than him down and bring them to their level than to improve themselves... pityful, I know, but plausible nevertheless). And other times, voting can be used unfairly as a "punishment" or "payback" method from users you haven't been able to get along with (I have a couple of those, but I just block them instead of fueling a flame war... what's the point anyway?) to crap on your hard work regardless of the quality.

4) Excessive competition: I always found "rating systems" in some sites or media to be a way of meassuring your objectives, and if I got 2nd, 3rd, 4th place and so on, I tend to consider that an incentive to improve myself........... sadly, many users see this rating tool as a way to promote their own works by toning down their fellow artists ranking. In the end, being avobe everyone else gives you more exposition, and not everyone wishes to play fair when their egos are on the line. Fortunatelly, those kind of users are a big minority as you go "up in the ladder", since you can't become a good artist by spitting on the work of those of your equal skills (it's not a moral stand. It's a fact. Either you screw other's works, or you use that time to get better at what you do, so in that sense, the universe balances itself rather fairly. No artist has gone far by screwing those better than himself)

So those are my main four reasons why you shouldn't feel discouraged if your works don't get the first spot in the daily ranking or so on. The whole ranking system of NG isn't geared towards objective judgement, but rather towards "planning and participation on the site" (without regards of that participation being of good quality or not. The number is what counts.) Is it a bad way of ranking? I myself can think of many improvements that could be done, but again, the site isn't focused on fair evaluation, but more on popularity and activity, so my thoughts about it are rather pointless for those purposes... All I wanted to get across is that you shouldn't feel blue if a piece or game or soundtrack or whatever you have collaborated to the site doesn't get the recognition you expected. Keep your cool about the subject and just keep on rolling with what you enjoy to do, since those whose oppinion is really worth will always end up finding you, and that's all that matters.

Fate out!

Why you shouldn't mind NG's "stars system"